
Make sure you still hold your staking account and worker account. The update in docker is simple: stop the node, pull the latest image and restart the node.

  1. Stop the running node in Docker:

    docker kill <container ID>

    Delete the container:

    docker rm <container ID>
  2. Pull the latest NuLink image.

    docker pull nulink/nulink:latest
  3. Re-launch the worker node.

    docker run --restart on-failure -d \
    --name ursula \
    -p 9151:9151 \
    -v /root/nulink:/code \
    -v /root/nulink:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink \
    nulink/nulink nulink ursula run --no-block-until-ready

For NULINK_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and NULINK_OPERATOR_ETH_PASSWORD you can change with your own password or if you already save your password using environment variables you just keep it.

Source : Official Guide

Last updated