
Problems that often occur in running goracle nodes and how to solve them. All of these issues are not fully worked out, I share based on my own experience.

AppError.General: Invalid Configuration

If you facing error like screenshot above, your goracle binary is not match to the latest version. Make sure you update to the latest version to solve this issue by the following command below.

Make sure you copy this command one by one.

goracle docker-stop

rm /usr/bin/goracle

sudo wget -qO /usr/bin/goracle https://staging.dev.goracle.io/downloads/latest-staging/goracle && sudo chmod u+x /usr/bin/goracle

goracle docker-start --background

Now check your logs using this command.

docker logs -f goracle-nr

TransactionPool.Remember: txn dead round: xxx

This error is related to your algorand node did not catch up to the latest block. Make sure you check the algorand node status by the following command below.

goal node status -d /var/lib/algorand

Make sure your Sync Time is 0.0s and check Last commited block is same as the algoexplorer testnet. If your algorand node catch up slowly, you can restart by the following command below.

sudo systemctl restart algorand

After use this command, you can go back to check the algorand status.

Request Not Coming

Don't worry about this error, because this error is normal. The oracle request sometime not coming because this is related to their server temporary stopped.

AppError.General: Error getting Goracle info for

This error also related to RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded and also some mistake on your .goracle file, your .goracle file configuration should be like this.

  "blockchain": {
    "server": "", // your server from algod.net. port may be different
    "token": "yourtoken", // your token from algod.token
    "mnemonic": "xxx", // this mnemonic is from generated using goracle init
    "mainAddr": "xxx" // this is your main address from pera wallet

Delete all related to authKey and authHeader and save your .goracle file. Then do this command to restart your node.

goracle docker-stop
docker rm goracle-nr
goracle docker-start --background
docker logs -f goracle-nr

Error to get vote

If you facing error like this, you need to top up the participation address. You can go to this link below.

Participation address is different from your Pera Wallet. Participation address generated from goracle init.

Next step, you need to copy the participation address and top up your participation address from top up button from link above.

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Update: In the new version of goracle binary, they already fixed for this error. So you if you get this error, you can update to latest version in Upgrade.

  • Solution 1

Your node is running in the docker and you need to stop it using this command below.

goracle docker-stop
docker rm goracle-nr

This command will stop and remove your container. Then try again to start your goracle node.

goracle docker-start --background

Check your logs

docker logs -f goracle-nr
  • Solution 2

If didn't work, you can check the .goracle file if there is something mistake in your configuration. Then try again. This is the example :

  "blockchain": {
    "server": "",
    "token": "xxx",
    "mnemonic": "xxx",
    "mainAddr": "xxx", // see this comma (incorrect)

As you can see in the line 6, You see the comma on the last line, you need to remove it in order to run the node again. So this is example if your .goracle file didn't have any mistake.

  "blockchain": {
    "server": "",
    "token": "xxx",
    "mnemonic": "xxx",
    "mainAddr": "xxx" // this is without comma (correct)
  • Solution 3

Also another solution is make sure your server configuration is correct.

This is correct

"server": "",

This is not correct

"server": "",
  • Solution 4

Remove all exited container using this following command.

docker rm $(docker ps --filter status=exited -q)

After doing that, back to Solution 1.

Your participation address not configured

You can solve this issue by adding sudo in goracle init section. here is the example.

sudo goracle init

add sudo every command if that command are needed to access using root.

ERROR URLTokenBaseHTTPError: Network request error. Received status 404 (Not Found)

If you're using Purestake, don't worry about this error. As long as your goracle node still submitted vote, your node is fine. Because this error is from Purestake API, maybe their server are overloaded.

Node Stopped

This problem is from your API (Purestake or Algonode), maybe have some problem with their server or not sure what's the problem. The only way is running own algorand node or wait for goracle team to fix this issue. Because this issue is from their server. But you can use this command to make your goracle node when stopped will automatically restarted.

docker update --restart on-failure:5 goracle-nr

With this command, the container will attempt to maximum of 5 retries to restart when it failure, but it will not attempt to restart if you stop it manually.

Check to make sure this command already applied to your goracle node.

docker inspect --format='{{.HostConfig.RestartPolicy}}' goracle-nr

Ping me on discord (Lightbulb#0667) if this step is working or not, since i haven't tested it yet.

Thanks to Moon1215i#4745 for sharing this guide how to restart node.

Last updated