
How to install Goracle Node in your VPS.

Install Goracle Binary

First step to install goracle node testnet is you need to download the binary and put it into your system.

sudo wget -qO /usr/bin/goracle https://staging.dev.goracle.io/downloads/latest-staging/goracle && sudo chmod u+x /usr/bin/goracle

Don't worry about no result after running that command.

Setup Your Node

If you're already run goracle node (using Algonode or Purestake), please go to this step Switch to Your Own Node (Optional)

In this step you need to setup your node with all requirement needed to run goracle node. Make sure your Algorand Node is running with same machine. If you're using different machine, you need to open 8080 or custom port.

This tutorial is using own algorand node. Make sure your Algorand Node is fully synced.

If you want to run goracle node using Algonode or Purestake, you can follow this guide.

If you want to run goracle node using own algorand node, you can do by the following command below.

goracle init
  • Continue? [y/N]? y

  • Use Algonode Algorand API service (recommended)? [Y/n]? n

  • Use a Purestake account for Algorand API service? [y/N]? n

  • Enter full Algorand node API URL (e.g. http://example.com:4001):

Don't forget to add http:// in the beginning of your server ip. example . Don't put the server like this . Make sure your port is same as from the algod.net output.

  • Enter Algorand API auth token, or press enter for default: yourtoken

If you confuse how to get API URL and auth token, you can follow this link below.

🔎Find Server and Token
  • Enter your main Algorand account address: yourmainaddress (Pera Wallet)

Next step is register your participation address and you'll get the link after put your main address. Don't forget to top up your main address use the following link below.

  • Register your participation address and sign the transaction.

Don't forget to top up your participation address before start your node.

  • After the transaction is done, now you back to the machine and press enter.

  • Now you need to stake GORA.

  • minimum is 10k GORA to stake (if you don't have access code, you need to ask in their discord).

  • Done your node account already setup and next step is run your goracle node.

Run Goracle Node

Before run your goracle node, make sure your machine is already install the docker.io. If not, you can use this following command to install.

bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ttimmatti/dependencies/main/docker.sh)

After installation complete, next step is run your goracle node using docker.

goracle docker-start --background

Check your goracle node logs using this command.

docker logs -f goracle-nr

If your node setup correctly, you'll see the logs like this.

Now your node is ready to vote in goracle node.

Switch to Your Own Node (Optional)

If you're already run a node using Algonode or Purestake and want to use your own algorand node, You need to use the following command below.

Don't forget to backup your .goracle file before do this step to avoid being lost.

  • Stop your docker container.

goracle docker-stop
  • Remove your container

docker rm goracle-nr
  • Edit your .goracle file

cd $HOME
nano .goracle

If you see inside .goracle file like this.

  "blockchain": {
    "authKey": "xxx",
    "server": "https://testnet-algorand.api.purestake.io/ps2",
    "authHeader": "x-api-key",
    "token": "",
    "mnemonic": "xxx",
    "mainAddr": "xxx"

You need to delete authKey and authHeader. Then change your server and your token that you get from previous step. The result will be like this.

Make sure your server same as algod.net. Make sure your Algorand Node is fully synced. Don't forget to add http:// when you put the server.

  "blockchain": {
    "server": "",
    "token": "yourtoken",
    "mnemonic": "xxx",
    "mainAddr": "xxx"

Then save your .goracle file using CTRL + X and CTRL + Y and enter.

  • Start your node

goracle docker-start --background
  • Track your goracle node logs

docker logs -f goracle-nr
  • Done, goracle node is working and ready to vote.

Last updated