🔎Find Server and Token

How to find your IP:PORT and API token in Algorand Node.

In this step if you're confusing what's your IP:PORT and token for your algorand node. You can use this following command to get that server and token you need to setup Goracle Node.

Go To the Algorand Directory

cd /var/lib/algorand

Check algod.net and algod.token

Copy all result and save in your notepad. The result of algod.net file for the port may be different. Because i saw someone not using 8080 port by default. So make sure double check.

cat algod.net

the result :

Don't forget to add http:// in "server" configuration of your .goracle file later.

cat algod.token

the result :


This is just example and now you can go to the next step to setup your goracle node.

Last updated